let us imagine, in a single day every person in the world would make a Corona Test. All Tested positive would be immediately isolated consistently, until they are healthy again. Corona would be defeated, right? A Utopia? Opinions are divided on this.

Daniel Mohr

editor in the economy of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

An Initiative of the Economists-siblings, Corinna Ernst and Gerhard Fehr and other economists and entrepreneurs is convinced that only a comprehensive Test of our usual life can bring. “testtheworld.org” they call themselves. Paul Romer is this Conviction that, after all, economic Nobel prize winner and, fittingly, is also excellent for the Integration of Innovation in the long-term macro-economic analysis.

Because of Innovation, you have to believe in this idea. Each is immediately clear that it is not 82 million inhabitants in Germany can at the same time go to the doctor to make a Corona Test. And that in laboratories, the 82 million Tests soon would be evaluated. It needed a major new feature, something like a pregnancy test for home – only for Corona. With a reliable instant result.

this is not Excluded. However, even Test-optimists say, in the next few months, which is nothing. Maybe it works at the beginning of 2021, maybe in a year’s time. It came to that, that would be great. But until then, you can’t wait.

is worked with the possibilities that are out there already. The CRP, nose or throat tests. 500,000 of which will be evaluated according to the Robert Koch Institute, week in and week out in laboratories. This is far below the number of inhabitants of the Federal Republic of Germany. The test capacities are indicated with close to 1.2 million per week, at full capacity, they were never.

“Perfect natural experiment”

An absurdity, such as Gerhard Fehr finds, behavioral economist and the Executive Board of Fehr Advice & Partners: “The German soccer League has shown as the perfect field experiment, as with regular Tests, the pandemic is to be controlled, and a healthy, normal game operation.” He is disappointed with the “flat learning curve” of the policy. “A day Lockdown is costing us more than a year of regular Testing of the population.”

Also in the economy, the unrest is on the rise. The prospect of further months of Work in the Corona mode is for more and more companies to the Problem. “Large-scale Tests are the key to the chain of Infection quickly to interrupt and prevent a second Corona-shaft,” says Iris Plöger, member of the main Board of the Federal Association of German industry (BDI). “The aim must be to use Covid-19-test capacity more efficiently and on a decentralised basis in firms continue to expand.” It calls on the Federal government, the Länder and the local authorities to establish expeditiously the legal and financial requirements for nationwide Tests, even with the help of mobile test stations in the company.

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the most Prominent provider in Job. The Rostock company for laboratory diagnostics is a Partner in the Frankfurt airport, where it has discovered with its mobile test station in the first three weeks of July, 25,000 Tests at least 70 Corona cases. Of the narrative, the test capacity has to be limited to your current level and in the people with clear symptoms of illness should remain reserved, keeping company’s founder, Arndt Rolfs nothing at all: “We for us to 45,000 Tests of the day, we need 40 to 45 employees in the laboratory. This is not so complicated. The could afford the large laboratory chains.“ Rolfs calls for more Tests, where possible. “We need the contagion of the chains break, and this is only possible with Tests. If we wait until someone shows symptoms, the is three to seven people.“