The government is confronted with inflation and lifts the veil on a series long-awaited measures, valued at approximately 25 billion euros, that are intended to preserve the purchasing power of French citizens. These measures will be examined. of passage for its relative majority within the Assembly, in the face opposition on the offensive.

The government decided to extend the fuel discount of 18cs (in continental France) at least until August. It was introduced in April 1. The budgeted amount of 3 billion euros was set for the April-June period. This will need to be supplemented by the amending finance law.

Economy Minister Bruno announced that the fuel allowance for low-income workers will go into effect on October 1, and that the 18-cent rebate would gradually disappear by year’s end. The mayor.

The employer must increase the maximum tax-exempt individual transportation premium that they can pay to employees for 2022-2023 by increasing it from 200 to 400 euros. This aid may be combined with 50% of the cost of a subscription to public transport.

The basic pensions for retirement and disability will see a 4% increase starting July 1. This combined with the increase of just over 1 percent in January is close to the inflation rate of 5.8% in June.

Social minima and family benefits, including the active solidarity income (RSA), allowance for disabled adults and solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), will be increased by 4%. Some of these social benefits were already increased by 1.8% in April. Les Echos estimates that these upgrades will cost 8 billion Euros until April 2023.

A “food voucher” is available to the most modest French citizens. It could cost 100 euros and will add 50 euros for each child. If the bill is approved in the summer, it should be paid by September. However, the identity of the beneficiaries is not known at this time.

Elisabeth Borne, who was speaking at the Bourbon Palace’s perch, also expressed her desire to extend the tariff protection on energies. It freezes gas prices at the October 2021 level and caps electricity bill increases at 4%.

Surprise, another announcement by the Prime Minister was the intention to nationalize EDF. The head of government stated that the State intended to own 100% of EDF’s capital.

Next fall, 27 million households won’t have to pay the audiovisual licensing fee. It costs 138 Euros in France and 88 Euros overseas.

During her Wednesday policy statement, the Prime Minister confirmed that it was being removed. This is a concern for the trade unions representing public media as well as actors in the culture and left-wing political worlds. These fears concern mainly a loss in independence and a reduction in the budgets for the public audiovisual sector.

The benchmark rent index will increase by 3.5% in July, and then stay at the same level for one year. This is a compromise between landlords and tenants. The 3.5% increase in personalized housing aid (APL), will also be reflected in the benchmark rent index.

At a cost of 7.5 Billion Euros, the 5.7 million public officers received a general increase of 3.5% on the value of their index point, which is the basis of their remuneration. It was effective July 1. euros were divided between the State (3.28 billion), local authorities (2.28 trillion) and hospitals (1.99 miliarde).

Additional measures were also announced, including a 7% increase of State participation in financing collective catering.

The Macron bonus will triple the ceiling on the extraordinary tax-free and desocialized buying power bonus (also known as the Macron bonus). The maximum amount that companies can pay their employees is 3,000 euros, while those who have set up profit-sharing and participation schemes will be able to receive 6,000 euros.

According to the Ministry of Public Accounts, the average salary per employee for 2021 was 506 euros.

In her general policy speech Wednesday, Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, announced a revaluation for scholarships. A proposal was also made to increase the price of the university meal ticket from 1 euro to scholarship holders.