Leipzig (dpa/sn) – Two years after the Wirecard insolvency, the creditors of a Leipzig subsidiary receive an advance payment. The distribution should be made with a quota of 25 percent, said lawyer Nils Freudenberg on Thursday. He is the insolvency administrator of Wirecard Communication Services GmbH. Almost 1.5 million euros should therefore probably be distributed in August. Another down payment is also conceivable.

The financial service provider Wirecard filed for bankruptcy at the end of June 2020. Previously, the company from Aschheim near Munich had to admit that 1.9 billion euros booked in trust accounts could not be found.

Wirecard Communication Services GmbH operated a call canter in Leipzig. The company was taken over by an investor in September 2020. According to the insolvency administrator, a large part of the last 150 jobs could be saved.