How strong will be the impact of the new Corona-restrictions on the share prices?

Martin Hock

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The measures taken both in Germany and in other countries, the economy will dampen growth in the fourth quarter. In particular, for the well-executed courses of some of the cyclical setback potential due to their development since the middle of March. It can run for the stock markets overall, but also better.


For example, if further interventions by Central banks or governments will be announced, or vaccines if there is positive news and treatment options out there. While some sectors have been hit hard, the Situation appears in the width of the economy are less dramatic than in the spring.

you have consequences for your Portfolio?

My Fund is already positioned rather in the case of a company, for which I expect long-term structural growth. Less focus on companies that need a particularly good economic development to good fundamentals, even if these are sometimes valued in the short term, cheap. I think we see that after the strong economic recovery since the spring, a weakening of the recovery and the current developments reinforce this.

And then?

in the medium term, I see a return to moderate growth. Therefore, little change for me needs. Only in the case of some high-quality companies, whose rates were due to short-term concerns under pressure, have buying opportunities. The basic structure of the Fund, where I guys growth sectors such as healthcare, technology and Software transferred, does not change much.

Should respond to investors, and if so, how?

investors should be widely diversified and, above all, on good sustainable growth company. In addition, in long periods of thinking, because the past has shown that long-term investing is often more successful than to rely on short-term Trends.

what To do else?

it is observed in addition to the virus development in this country to the situation in other countries developed due to the export orientation of many German companies. In addition, the outcome of the American presidential election, intervention measures by the Central banks and governments, as well as the Brexit continue to be important issues.