DerMöbel and furnishing group Ikea wants to buy used furniture from SeinenKunden back in future. In first five German branches, company will be able to offer IKEA furniture that is no longer needed from 1 September onwards. The five pilot houses are located in Berlin-Lichtenberg, Siegen, Kaarst, in Expo-park Hannover as well as in Würzburg. “With this service, we want to help UnsereKunden to meet demwachsenden need for sustainable consumption,” said Armin Michaelis, sustainability manager at IkeaDeutschland.

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To get rid of Wersein used piece of furniture in this way, Sichzunächst must inform IKEA online portal wher it is suitable for a return over main. Based on information provided, Dannautomatisch will be charged a non-binding price proposal. With this proposal customer is to present aufgebauteProdukt at return desk of Ikea branch. If condition of product is actually information software tool made, a credit card will be issued.

In principle, according to IKEA, only Produktefür are eligible for buyback, which is in a flawless to good Zustandbefänden. According to company’s own information on resale of Derzurückgebrachten furniture. The products are to be derMärkte in goldmine without a surcharge, but with additional VAT Angebotenwerden.

Also on September 1, Ikea will adjust current return rule. Customers could BISHERIHR product 365 days after purchase without regard to condition Zurückgebenund got full purchase price refunded. This rule applies from September only for new, unused products.