The EU Commission has been in contact with a number of Member States for inclusion of 141 migrants aboard Aquarius. That was shared by Commission. Previously, Italian Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli, said on Twitter that ship was flying flag of British territory of Gibraltar, which is why Britain must take responsibility. The British overseas territory of Gibraltar is located on sourn coast of Spain. There was no reaction from British Foreign Ministry at first.

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EU Commission spokeswoman Tove Ernst said, in ory, a port in country under whose flag a rescue ship is flying is questionable. But in practice this could also be impossible, so serious. One should be in contact with Member States to find a quick solution. As has happened in past, EU is ready for diplomatic support.

The Aquarius, operated by French aid organisations, has called on European states to call a safe haven so that 141 refugees can go ashore and be cared for. The people were rescued on Friday from boats in Mediterranean. Most of m come from Somalia and Eritrea. Among m are 67 unaccompanied minors.

Distress rescue-Italian government refuses to take refugee in» Aquarius «Italy calls on United Kingdom to take up nearly 140 refugees who are on rescue ship. It has been waiting for days for allocation of a port. © Photo: Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters also Spain does not want “Aquarius”

The ship is currently located between Italy and Malta. However, both EU countries have refused to leave Aquarius ashore. According to media reports, Spain will also not accept migrants this time. Still in June, Spain had agreed to let Aquarius in EinenHafen. At that time ship was also mistaken for days on Mediterranean, at that time with 629 migrants on board.

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The German press agency said a spokesman for government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez: “Spain is currently not safest port (for Aquarius) in accordance with international law, because it is not nearest port.” The current situation could not be compared with that of mid-June. At that time, it is said in Madrid Moncloa Palace that re was a “humanitarian emergency”, that situation was “very complex”.

In meantime, government in Madrid did not want to say how to proceed if situation around Aquarius was to worsen in next few days. As early as June, however, some ministers had said that inclusion of rescue ships rejected by Italy and Malta by Spain could not become a rule.

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Europe has longbeen foreclosed: is Europe overrun by refugees from North Africa? No. Since autumn 2015, Europe has increasingly turned into a fortress, shows our graphics.

fewer deaths at sea mean more deaths in desert: what it means to make African countries bouncers of migration: Who is caught must go back. This is why people choose even more dangerous routes.

Why doesn’t it stop dying? The Mediterranean remains a mass grave for migrants. Which routes for refugees are re, who provides help and why are re problems again and again?

fewer helpers mean more deaths: Private rescue ships in Mediterranean help smuggling gangs, claim EU politicians. However, an evaluation of position data shows that helpers adhere to rules.

at Europe’s New frontier: To prevent refugees, Europe is shifting its borders and not afraid of dark business. The defensive zones extend to West Africa.

“We will never bring m back to this hell”: Italy has been coordinating rescue of Mediterranean Sea to Libyan coast Guard. This brings savior into a legal and moral conflict.

“Migrants are a business model for many Libyans”: tortured and enslaved – migrants experience inhumanity in Libya. There are no rules to halt smugglers, says migration expert Leonard Doyle.