The Federal government has taken a lot of money into the hands of as many companies as possible survive the Corona of a pandemic. The concentration on the current problem situation threatens to cover a deficit, in the long term can have fatal consequences: Germany is falling behind in international tax competition more and more.

Manfred Schäfers

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The Federal Ministry of Finance comes to a total burden of corporate income tax and trade tax of just under 30 percent. What it says: In the larger cities, where many businesses, are the trade tax rates are particularly high – so that it can move in such cases, the total load in the direction of 32 percent.

lower Saxony Minister of Finance Reinhold Hilbers (CDU) calls on the coalition now, no longer look the other way. “It is important that we are competitive are tax deductible,” said the CDU politician in conversation with the F. A. Z. About the burden of corporate income tax and trade tax had not been spoken in the last ten years. “The policy in the past years, to whom we give money. Now it is time to make growth-oriented policy,“ he said.

in Only three countries is even higher

The Minister of Finance from Hanover, refers to the soothing effect of a gutlaufenden economy for the public purse. “1 per cent growth for me 300 to 400 million euros in the budget,” says Hilbers. Without economic growth, it is much harder to come back to the black Zero. “That’s why we need to reform a corporate tax. The total burden for companies is not to exceed 25 percent, if we want to remain competitive.“ Currently, they spent an average of 30 percent. “We are among the industrial countries at the very top.”

As the experts from the German Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) reports, currently, there was also a fall 2019, the corporate tax rates in a number of countries: in Greece by 5 percentage points and in France by 2.4 percentage points. For Japan, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, a margin of minus 0.2 percentage points to minus 1.1 percentage points called the.

Germany officially has the fourth-highest total load, only in Japan, France and Malta, it was after the Overview of the Ministry of Finance on the German level. However, Paris has already announced longer, to want his company more relieve. Japan is far away, the small Malta is playing in the race to the relocation of production sites and workplaces have no role.