Despite the massive Coronavirus outbreak in the Miami Marlins MLB Boss Rob Manfred sees for the Major League Baseball is still not a major Problem. “I don’t see it as a nightmare. I am still optimistic that our protocols and measures are good enough so that we can play in such an outbreak – and our season can end,“ said Manfred, in an Interview with the MLB Network on Monday (local time).

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Meanwhile, the increase among players, managers, as well as in American media, the criticism of Major League Baseball. “I want to be honest with you, I’m afraid. I’m really scared,“ said Manager Dave Martinez of the Washington Nationals. “You can see how half a Team is infected and travels from city to city. I have friends in the Miami Team really stinks.“

According to consistent Reports from Monday’s vote of twelve players and two coaches of the Teams from Florida are infected with the Virus. The first four cases should have been in the Team already on Saturday known. Nevertheless, the Marlins took on the Philadelphia Phillies and won by 11:6. For Monday, the scheduled games between the Marlins and the Baltimore Orioles and the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees were then cancelled – the second game of the Marlins on Tuesday. The next test results should be acceptable, to play the Team according to Manfred on Wednesday against the Orioles.

“Baseball is in big trouble,” said meanwhile, Andrew Morris, a Professor of infectious diseases at the University of Toronto. “I wonder if you listen to the advice of experts or whether their experts will give you good advice. This was not a Plan that someone who knows what he is talking about, would have thought of.“ Pitcher David Price of the Los Angeles Dodgers had decided due to the uncertainties, to dispense with the season and not to play. “Now we will really see if the MLB puts the health of the player first,” he wrote.

The MLB start on Friday as the first of the four major American sports leagues, in addition to Basketball (NBA), hockey (NHL) Football (NFL), in spite of the in the United States more rapidly rising infection numbers, the game operating again. The 60 games per team instead of similar to how in the Bundesliga stadiums without spectators.