to speak

about this bad thing before it’s best to first something quite Terrible: If it is eight or nine years old, happy and healthy to the core, comes someone who wants you to is very fast and as large as the girls and boys from the school who have just finished high school. That’s why this Someone has to be distributed in a loud pills, and horrible food, this is not good for the body and ensures that you will feel terribly bad. But the stuff works, and lo and behold, after a few years the children have grown in fact, as wild and as big as the high school graduates, although it would have taken without the pills are much, much longer.

Jakob Strobel y Serra

Deputy head of the cultural pages.

F. A. Z.

no one would have the idea to make something with people, that would be crazy. With most of the animals that are eaten in Germany, but happens exactly. In our industrial meat farms, in which tens of thousands of animals in a confined space and feed for a Turbo-growth to be fattened, to grow the chicken after thirty days, three times faster than the nature. Piglets are fattened in only ninety days from 25 pounds of weight to 125 pounds. Then these poor animals are slaughtered and arrive on our plates. This is really not a nice idea.