With a massive test extension to find out the authorities in the district of Gütersloh now, if Corona infections of Tönnies-the employees are transferred to other citizens. Are planned to be of 10,000 Tests a day. Five new test centres should be set up on Thursday in the district. Including a Drive-In centre, where the citizens in the car during the test, remain seated.

Already, on Wednesday had in front of the centres in the districts of Warendorf and Gütersloh long queues of people formed a Corona Test wanted to come up with a negative result of safety for an upcoming holiday. And also on Wednesday, the crowd remained part of great. A spokesman for the fire brigade reported Waiting in front of the centres in the district of Gütersloh. This Friday, the last day of school is in North Rhine-Westphalia before the summer holidays.

a Total of three new positive cases

Apparently, there is a first glimmer of hope for the people in the two circles: From 2000 to the current Corona Tests had been positive, said health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), in a special session of the health Committee. In the case of the 2000 Tested, it is according to the Ministry, to people from the General population. The result of the mass test is important for the decision about whether the new first 30. June imposed a continued restricted Lockdown for the districts of Gütersloh and Warendorf.

On the evening of the district of Gütersloh called to more recent Figures: Until Thursday 15 at 2521 swabs had been taken. 1655 findings of the fittings. One of which was clearly positive, and two were weakly positive. The circle with the count in coordination with the Robert Koch-Institute, this weak positive cases. So it will be a total of three positive cases.