A grocery store can represent an excellent business opportunity, despite the crisis and fierce competition. It should also be added that now the possibilities are many: you can decide to open a shop with only organic products, gluten-free, for vegans, etc.

So let’s see what the necessary requirements are to open a food shop, what the bureaucratic process is and how much it costs to start a business of this type.

Open a grocery store: requirements and bureaucratic process

Unlike shops intended for the sale of non-food products, in order to sell food it is necessary to have health notification and be in possession of certain specific professional requirements, specifically:

– have exercised for two years (even non-continuous) in the last 5 years in the food sector or in the administration of food and beverages

– have attended a professional course for the trade, preparation or administration of food. The course must be recognized by the regions

– have worked for at least two years (even non-continuous) in the last 5 years in companies carrying out activities in the food sector, or in the sector of the administration of food and beverages, as a qualified employee, assigned to the sale, administration or preparation of food , or as a working partner

– have a high school diploma, a three-year degree or have attended a professional school, provided that the course of study includes subjects relating to trade, the preparation or administration of food

– be registered in the register of traders for trade for the activity of supplying food and beverages or for sales activities

– having passed an examination of suitability for the exercise of food and beverage administration activities, and or for the sale of one of the product groups identified in the previous point

For the rest, the bureaucratic process for opening a grocery store is similar to that for any other business.

How much does it cost to open a grocery store?

Let’s clear the field of doubts immediately by saying that to open a grocery store, even a mini market, you need an investment of a certain consistency.

First of all, it is necessary to consider the costs of renting the premises to be used as food. If we are talking about a mini market, the place can also be relatively small, however it must contain enough space for shelving and merchandise.

If, on the other hand, you want to open a slightly larger grocery store, you will need an adequate room, with a consequent rise in costs.

The other expenses are related to all the equipment and material to carry out the activity:

Salami counter

shelf for fresh produce

freezer for frozen foods

cash register and cash register

fridge for drinks

warehouse for the storage of goods

To these must be added the costs for utilities, for the sign, for the rest of the furniture, the first supply and any marketing and communication costs. All in all, the initial investment can start from 50 thousand dollars.

As with other business activities, it is still possible to take advantage of tenders and measures intended for new entrepreneurs who decide to invest in their own business. It is also possible to franchise some of the brands of the large-scale retail trade (large-scale retail trade) and take advantage of the advantages deriving from affiliation with a well-known brand (offers, promotions, etc.). And don’t forget a website for food businesses. It can help you a lot!