As the word “infection” happened to was not a part of our everyday language, and pandemics were a relic of the past or merely dystopian fantasies, there was still aimlessly wandering, on a Smartphone-adhesive and always in the way of the throngs of tourists, the Berlin-populated. Then the Virus came. But because nothing remains as it is, we know that you will come back soon, and your favorite places to be streaming – the Reichstag, for example. All there is to see there, including a bit of a surprise: a piece of wall.

the Moment – the Berlin wall? On this course? Can that be right? Well, the know, like to think of the uninformed, the not look at the plaque mounted casts. Because even those who do not speak English, but at least the Latin alphabet dominates, could stumble over the word “solidarity”, the other the historical Background to guess. In fact, The piece of wall on the North side of the Reichstag building from Berlin, but from the Gdansk shipyard, which commemorates the founding of the Polish trade Union movement. The later Nobel peace prize laureate Lech Walesa to be climbed in August 1980 on this wall to organize the strike in the shipyard in Gdansk. The Polish Parliament bequeathed the piece of the Berlin wall in 2009, the German Bundestag, the honors the memorial, “the contribution of Poland to the reunification of Germany and for a politically United Europe”.

so What: the wall is a wall, and who noticed that the Berlin wall was built of concrete and red brick. Because of this alleged rapid spread of the twisted culture of memory but can not be in the interests of the city – known to be busy enough as it is a political cleanup work with dekolonisierter past, had to be rectified. On the Initiative of Berlin, but of a Cologne Bundestag, Reinhard Houben of the FDP, adorned now – after a year of waiting, such as the “daily mirror” reported by a bilingual Declaration of the commemorative piece. Once in German, once in English, so that everyone really understands. A cultural optimist, who believes, from now on, would be immune to every visitor in front of the historical errors. But one has to be humble in these times and is almost full of praise, if Berlin is anything at all to the enlightenment (against better Knowledge) promote. Whom, once again, doubts about the world RAID, of go so to the Reichstag and experience the latest products of bilingual education.