Despite the name, relationship of the financial centre of Luxembourg and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, little in common. However, in may, the Foundation of the party has released The Left to do a study on the lack of transparency in the Berlin real estate market. If tenants want to know who is the owner of your house, you’ll quickly get to the limits of The transparency register would not create transparency, is the message of the study. But surprisingly, there is a Detail that refers to Luxembourg.

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Because there you will get without long detours, waiting times and cumbersome registration with a few clicks on the result and free of charge, to praise the authors. A Recherche in Luxembourg for tenants or property buyers for another reason: It is the preferred location for professional real estate investors.

There are more than 300 real estate Fund according to the Luxembourg Fund Association Alfi. They manage assets of over 80 billion euros. Up to the year 2006, there were less than 10 billion euros. But not just Fund yourself at home in Luxembourg, but also listed real estate companies how to use the Ado Properties, around town, or core state. A spokesman from around town referred to Luxembourg as “efficiently and professionally”.

Strong protection by strict supervision

The company structures correspond to the very high standards of Transparency of the EU and would be regulated by the financial regulator, the CSSF is very strict and supervised, which will offer international investors in Europe, a strong protection: “Luxembourg is the preferred access for international investors to European real estate.”

A spokesman for the real estate company, X+Bricks also refers to the supervision. You offer within Europe for companies and investors alike attractive environment. Investors and banks put a high value on the international reputation for high regulatory standards. “Luxembourg has developed, therefore, for companies to be one of the most important additions to professional investors. This is true not only for real estate companies,“ he says.

Also the Ado Properties are sitting there, but for the real estate company the Acquisition of Adler Real Estate is a priority currently. It is the third largest real estate company in Germany with more than 75000 apartments will be built. The Takeover has led to Reflections on the future location. For Luxembourg, the existing infrastructure with the benefit of the financial centre committed to the supervision, specialized auditors, consultants and lawyers. This is due to the number of real estate funds, sitting there.