German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has warned of the Background of the debate about more easing in the Corona-crisis is a serious setback. She pointed out that the German economy had to face in your entire width of a huge slump. No one knows how consumer behaviour and the pandemic developed, the Chancellor said on Tuesday, according to information from the German press-Agency of the participants in the meeting of the Union faction in the Bundestag.

Merkel said she wanted to not be pessimistic – we could face the situation just optimistic – but we must also be realistic. She was cited with the words: “There’s a giant mountain of work still lies ahead of us.”

After the loosening of travel warnings for most of the EU countries, and in view of the debate about summer vacation destinations, Merkel said, each the joy of a holiday in Majorca or Greece had indulged. If you consider however, the economic Figures, “I know not quite, whether we have already brought hopes and reality”.

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In Germany, there had never been such a high number of short-time workers, said Merkel. In the face of seven million people in may receiving only a portion of their salary, is the incomparable Situation. In the economic and financial crisis of 2008/2009, there have been 1.5 million short-time workers. Unlike then, the situation was not get now quickly in the grip. Therefore, it is important that the government and the Union group radiated Confidence and ability to act.

The Virus was gone, even if you contained it well and in the barriers I referred, said Merkel, according to the information of the dpa. Where people were, however, close to each other, but it always breakouts. “We have to be very careful so that we do not exacerbate the already difficult situation in the economy again,” warned the Chancellor. It was a very tense time, even if currently most of the sunshine. “It is not without what awaits us in the next few months.”