eighteen years Ago, for delivery in Cannes, Gaspar Noés Film “Irreversible”. Many critics of the left during the demonstration of the room, because you the rape scene is too long, too dramatically, the whole Film too brutal and because of the reverse chronology of the narrative was the brutality even wanton appear. So, he became what is called “scandal film”.

Monica Bellucci played the victim, and she plays the role, of course, still, if he cut his movie, to be more precise: the chronology from the head to the feet has been made. Monica Bellucci was at that time already, since the Thriller “lies of love” (1996) and “The magic of Malèna” (2000), a big Star, you played with then in the two “Matrix”Sequels, it was appreciated Mary Magdalene in Mel Gibson’s “the Passion of The Christ”, and in the Bond Film, “Spectre” (2015) of 51 years, the oldest of all the Bond Girls, what is this type of roll with a punch.

it feels like a journey in a time machine, to see again in “Irreversible”?

It was a very interesting experience. The original Film has been destroyed on the subject of how much time everything. This new version focuses on time ensures that all will be revealed. Nothing can hide forever. The Film feels like a resurrection that leaves the past behind.

How they have changed in the meantime?

As I turned 18 years ago this movie, I still had no children. In the meantime, has changed not only my life, but also our whole society. The theme of the film had a very different role. When I look at the Generation of my daughters, is different with such sensitive issues, because the rules of our culture change. As a result, women can address issues such as violence direct. Basically Irreversible “” a feminist movie that was made by a man. Because the men leave in it all is not very good.

How have the reactions to the Premiere in Cannes in 2002, in memory?

Many people were leaving prematurely the hall, which meant that they could not understand the Dimension of the film. The poetry of the end was missing them completely. The intimacy between me and Vincent …

… Cassel, her Partner, and then husband …

… see you at the end of the film. Many of them have missed then, because they were overwhelmed with the violence in the first scenes. Nevertheless, the Film has managed to achieve a cult status, because there were many people who understood the movie and loved it. Today one understands him perhaps better than ever!

this Could be the #MeToo movement?

Absolutely. This movement has a lot to do with the issues we have raised at the time with our Film. I am convinced that films can change the world, because they change the culture. You can come as a new man from a movie out. “A Clockwork Orange” or “Blue is a warm color” is disturbing, painful, but also beautiful works. The Same also applies to “Irreversible”. He has triggered a public discussion that we desperately needed.