And why have the dumbest farmers the thickest potatoes? Why are masons on time? What is with the blondes? With the Bratschern? A now has to play the stupid August, in every industry, there are a dolt, Hans. I have now been waiting a really long time that someone had the courage to inquire about the stupidity of the tenors.

It is, dear Mr. Sulzer, an ancient, baggy, unausrott visible cliché. The mother jokes untold Opera house canteen. The best and longest has told me, the baritone Thomas Hampson, unfortunately, it is a staircase wit, much too long for this column. But there are also a few good short, for example: What is a quarter-tone interval? two tenors singing in unison. Or: Why are they singing tenors head voice? because they have there rooms, the largest hollow. And of course, I personally know, as probably you, dear reader, a number of flash might call clever singer in the Tenor, as we have a couple of naive-knitted the first violins at the name. I would counter your question so preferably with the default set of Forrest Gump: “Stupid is the one who does Stupid”, and basta. But this is ultimately just a rhetorical formula that explains the phenomenon, nor from the world creates.

Schlager are not businessman thing

Even if the Opera canteens are closed at the moment, the tenors sing on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, and there were still jokes stupid Tenor. As the magazine “Opera!” cried three weeks ago, a Fund to support professional Opera artists to life, reported, among others, Jonas Kaufmann, with a Video from the recording Studio and asked for donations (see #singers help). A really good thing. But then he begins to sing, a Playback parody of the Rocco-Granata-Oldie “Marina” from the fifties, and popular songs are not really his Cup of tea. This is so nothing. From “Marina” is “Corona”, which rhymes verstolpern, the merchant knödelt oily, he throws a mischievous look, smiling, kiss her hand at the camera, snaps his fingers, and who clicked away in time, the caught inevitably at the thought that something must be the old formula Dumb-Dumber-Tenor. An ugly thought, I am almost ashamed. It is one of the bad features of the clichés that critics are resistant, and in every crisis of survival.

if you are looking for the historic causes of the tenor of formula that ends up in blind alleys. You can neither anthropological nor psychological reasons. Neither etymologically nor music history, or vocal or frequency related. The range of a tenor is not a given, of course, he wants to be prepared. It ranges, depending on from a small c up to the two level c’. Just this Cs half-Opera tenors can achieve tremendous Populärität, you will be adored by the audience and caressed, but sometimes even ridiculed, as it happened weiland Luciano Pavarotti, with its nine high Cs, 1966, in Covent Garden. But sopranos have a high c’’, which no one finds funny. The female Diva to give, as well as the male, is a certain right to neuroses, in this point of equality. But in terms of the role distribution, almost exclusively heroes games to fall to the tenors. They love, fight, win, die. Even in retirement, provided you have the right techniques, the Tenor as a daredevil and a young powerhouse on the stage, his man, the colleagues of the baritone and bass group play at a young age, mainly traitors and fathers, which can also be pretty stupid. But no one makes jokes about it.

gloating or resentment on the part of colleagues from other voting subjects are therefore ruled out. If you were in the game, we should expect a little more refinement. We hold: most of The tenor of the jokes are just stupid. You are turned neither word nor cryptic or ambiguous. The falls where you score more on the feet.