Junkie Slapstick, prostitution, Hillbillies, crime, Alpine white trash, and African emigrants misery: How does Tarantino on Berne German? “The Zorro is actually, Ueli Äbeli. Zorro, you tell him, because he sets for himself, always the same three Läins Coci, in a Z-shape, he rüsselt in a single long Schriis to the jackass. He took my phone and cabled his customers with me. As in a Binihaus this went on for the next few weeks.“

As in a bee-house, also feels the readers of this twelve novel adhesive interwoven narratives from the Bernese Oberland, this is considered from the very bottom of. Roland, your author is Rich. And it is because his third novel is the result of a violent speech fight between themselves verleugnendem dialect and reinforced in high German, is not familiar to him off in the Alps. So following on Literaturport.de deposited self-description is helpful: “Roland was at 22. March 1974 in a tiny house in the Swiss Alps village of Spiez born. Yes, and as the Roland, the tiny house is too small, since he moved to the capital of Bern – and, actually, again in a tiny house. There, he reads a bit, labeled a bit and smokes a lot.“

the excesses of philistinism

After his 2014 novel “sunder reason,” the tragicomic drugs Leaflet, and the bitter clan has the theme of its origin further refined: Also “On the Strecki” is of the lower milieu of a society that acts from a German perspective, notoriously fidel – apart from the Zurich giftler Eldorado of the nineties. So it is quite a different Switzerland, as Rich had already portrayed in his debut “Aufgrochsen”. His hero scramble in a habitat that is on the one hand, from the archaic traditionalism of the dark valleys are limited and on the other hand, the Stigmatisation of the modern welfare state, they are for generations on the bag. Thus, a special and lucky case, the Swiss contemporary literature.

If you want to compare, then have a look across the border helps the most. In your worst of the worst moments of his literature is reminiscent of the films of Ulrich Seidl. Quirky idiosyncrasies of growing up in violent orgies, in which a Laughing. Excesses of petty-bourgeoisie in the Austrian suburbs. Even with the Rich is: What starts off innocently enough, usually ends in fiasco.

A descent in the descent

The I-narrator of “Where do You have my vacuum cleaner, Ibrahim” wants to arbitrate a dispute between the dealers and get the fist in the face. “When I had the top already, only four Proffeln, because the Eitsch to the teeth”, laments he. His friend Ibrahim from the same social block of flats testifies in court for him, because “this is the best one good man Serzh”. One hopes for pain money. Ibrahim is a Veteran of the Yugoslavia-war. In his den he cooks regularly sharp sausages for his war buddy. Occasionally, the Junkie comes over from next door. Together musikantenstadl looked and Raki “gebudelt”, where the gets the Junkie bad. He is mostly, if not “A druggie”, so “Senior”. A Glossary at the end of the book, this word on the Droglern popular sleeping pill Toquilone.

During the Ibrahim once home to his people, the “Serzh” on his cat watch. Naturally, this goes wrong, because in the meantime, the Zorro has redefined the place of Serge in a fixer tube. As he drags one day, a looted the vault to the gut in the apartment, the Situation escalates. The narrator sits soon on the road. A descent in the descent.