At first glance, the dainty dish seems to have nothing to do with the topic of community. But Florian Mennicken wanted combined with his culinary miniature from strands of lightly caramelized carrots, mixed with olive oil, Dijon mustard, Cumin, Piment d’espelette and with sheep’s milk yoghurt foam, and Miso-buckwheat-crust bread, the usual angle of view on Barbecue sauces to move. This is succeeded him. You look at things a little differently, if you take the perspective of a neighbor. In General: The unconventional nature of the young Belgian, who has swapped not too long ago, the religious studies Seminar of the kitchen, had brought us to the idea to try with him in barbecue sauces.

Mennickens place, the recently opened “Rutz customs house” in Berlin, is, so to speak, in a half-timbered building directly on the Landwehr canal situated country seat of the gourmet restaurants “Rutz” in Berlin-Mitte. Its three-Michelin-star decorated Chef Marco Müller – the first chef in the capital, this award was given – also took part in the tasting.

With the eye of the connoisseur, he oversaw alongside the Sous-vide process to the garden of Hohenlohe pork ribs, so-called Leiterle, on a grate over hot coals. You completed together with the also there’d be sausages from the excellent Sausage factory Erchinger not only the Test, but also in the course of which, how different the finished sauces with fat and roasted notes interact.

In Italy it is the fruit mustard, Mostarda

In the red sauces from the bottle sugar is accented by fragrant and hot spices, and especially acid, when not mobilized. Added salt, bitter moments, and the Umami is called the wort. The natural loveliness to explode sauces in the Barbecue.

That has to do with the original purpose of the dip. From the beginning, a high proportion of Sugar was required to marinate meat, or to be able just before Serving with the caramel paint and burned to mask the bitter become Make aromatic and visually. Brown, strong malt or molasses-based sauces preserve this Tradition in the same way as the Japanese technique, to over-Shine food with the sweet soy sauce and Sake-based Teriyaki sauce. In Italy it is the fruit mustard, Mostarda, with the ends of chicken meat, but also fish, vegetables and grilled cheese.

in the Meantime, has set itself the medium-spicy red Sauce as a standard version at a Barbecue by. This is mainly due to the tomato and one of its most popular forms of Dissemination, the Ketchup. Anyway, you can understand the majority of these products than the Latter derived, with bonds in the Chutney, as well as the proletarian curry sausage sauce – a throwback to the old palate, terrible grilled tomato.