A man and a girl travel together, hire a Pedalo, while the cherry-rays of flowers around the lake in its full glory. The two seem to face each other and foreign at the same time, in front of shy buttons, as they feared that could shake up the sound of the quietest miss your relationship. Ishii Yuichi and Mahiro look like father and daughter, the advantage of the beautiful weather and a weekend trip. But Ishii Yuichi plays in Werner Herzog’s Film “Family Romance, LLC” a double game: yourself and Mahiros father, engaged by Mahiros mother, because the biological father of the twelve-year-old disappeared when she was a Baby. This family lie appears only once so grotesque, that you’d never the thought, with the rental of a substitute fathers, surrogate mothers, replacement friends replacement family and even spare bodies could actually earn money. But the you can. In Japan.

Melanie Mühl

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

The company’s “Family Romance” really exists, Ishii Yuichi, an elegant man in his late thirties, has founded in 2009 in Tokyo. Supple the company, with now several thousand employees in the Japanese service society, which works tirelessly, no customer wishes open. An illusion machine, not even in front of the Intimate Holding power.

As Werner Herzog for the first Time of the “Family Romance” and in Japan People in the rental market heard, elec the subject humanized him immediately. The film’s Director, flew to Tokyo, met Ishii Yuichi, hired him as a protagonist, turned without permission with a hand-held camera and took a self as the narrator completely. Fans of the Duke-the Sounds do not have to leave to him this Time, which is detrimental to the quality of the film. The key scenes are scripted, otherwise, Herzog had his actors dialogue freedom, which is why “Family Romance” is often a documentary effect, weird contrived. But that is exactly the trick is: As a viewer you are constantly asking yourself, whether you are dealing with fiction or with reality.

longing for happiness

One of the most absurd contracts in the Film comes from a woman. She had won the lottery a lot of money and so mind-boggling about the visit of the Stranger, happy that you delivered the message that she wanted to experience this feeling of happiness again. So you bought thousands of Lots, in which, however, no profit hiding, which is why she hired Ishii Yuichi as a good-luck messenger. Another Time, Ishii Yuichi plays the wrong father of a bride-to-be, the fear to lose their face, because her real father drunk on the Couch, instead of leading you to the Altar.

In the heart but the story of Ishii, Yuichi, and Mahiro is. It takes quite a while, until the two come to each other closer to Mahiro hug her fake father for the first Time and a boy from the school told that you are worthy of none of look. Also, he says, because Ishii Yuichi, didn’t recognize the feelings of their mother in the beginning, what is he so light on the lips, as it would be true. Mahiro should be lenient with the boys, and she herself was still so young.