After a week of speculation about a further Meeting of the American President Donald Trump with the North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un’s sister takes the last word. Kim Yo-jong is not rejected on Friday the idea of a meeting of the two this year, out of the castle but it is also. “A Surprise can still happen, depending on the decisions of the two Supreme leader,” – said in a press statement by Kim Yo-jong in her role as a Deputy Department Director of the Central Committee of the workers ‘ party. You put a more sober and friendlier rhetoric of the day as the harsh threats and insults, with which she made in June, the mood against America and South Korea. Shortly thereafter, North Korea had blown up the South Korea for around us $ 15 million built, the liaison office of the two Koreas in the North Korean Kaesong in the air. Now but sent to Kim Yo-jong, the best wishes of her brother to Trump the wishes of the American great success in its work.

Patrick Welter

a correspondent for Economics and policy in Japan, based in Tokyo.

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Kim Yo-jong, the rejection of a top-of-the justified by the meeting that only America professional animals. For North Korea, a Meeting is useless, as long as the United States has not changed decided their attitude. North Korea and America to continue the Back-and-Forth public accusations. Kim Yo-jong looks before the presidential election in November, a American desire for dialogue with North Korea. Trump said that by contrast, this week, in a television interview that according to his understanding, North Korea to Meet tracking. In Seoul, South Korea, the American special representative for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, was invited at the same time, Pyongyang for dialogue and the willingness to engage in dialogue in Washington highlighted, if North Korea was moving.

In Pyongyang, we are already thinking about Trumps the successor to

North Korea thinks for a while about the time, according to Trump. Kim’s sister, stressed the good relationship of her brother with the Americans. North Korea would have to deal but with Trump and the subsequent governments and with the United States as a whole, she explained. A nuclear disarmament on the Korean Peninsula was impossible, wrote Kim Yo-jong. “At this point in time, a denuclearization but not possible.” They pointed out that North Korea my with the required large Changes of the other hand, the lifting of sanctions. This is consistent with the traditional North Korean understanding that nuclear disarmament must mean on the Peninsula the nuclear threat of North Korea by America.