SAP is planning to place shares of the subsidiary company Qualtrics on the stock exchange. Nearly two years after Europe’s largest software company, had taken over the American provider of digital market research tools for a record price of more than 7.5 billion euros, said Christian Klein, Chairman of the Executive Board of SAP, the house will continue to hold a majority of the shares of Qualtrics, yet, from the solders currently in the IPO. “We believe that an initial placement of the shares of Qualtrics on the market has all the ingredients that investors appreciate.”

Stephan Finsterbusch

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

SAP under the leadership of the former Chairman of the Executive Board Bill McDermott had purchased the sales technically relatively little analysis, in-house Qualtrics in November 2018. The price for the purchase was to both investors, as well as from leading managers in the group as far too high an assessment has been made, redeemed Qualtrics but back then, almost half a million Euro in the year. The acquisition should be a further splash of colour to the range of SAP.

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McDermott defended the Takeover on multiple occasions. At the end of last year, however, he had to take after more than ten years at the helm of the group, his hat. Against the Background of a new record in earnings in the just-ended quarter, the new Board wants to correct the Chairman, Christian Small is the step from two years ago, now, apparently.

The software company from Walldorf, Germany, offers its clients programs for the control and management of the company. With the database system Hana, it has one of the most advanced systems in the industry. It can buy customers via the Internet, Software and data services or rent. SAP is the world’s largest company of its kind.