Farmers and ranchers from all over the national territory will gather in an act of protest against “the continuous attacks that the sector receives” on September 5, when the ministers of the European Union (EU) will meet in Córdoba, according to Europa Press .

As the agrarian organizations have advanced in a note, the mobilization will take place at 11:00 a.m. at Puerta del Puente (Plaza del Triunfo), in Córdoba, and is called by Asaja, COAG, UPA and Agrifood Cooperatives due to “the situation of defenselessness suffered by farmers and ranchers in the face of the policies carried out from Brussels, together with the neglect and surrender to certain ‘lobbies’ that act against the rural world”.

The Spanish countryside “will clamor for the same treatment received by third countries.” They consider it essential that “productions coming from third countries be required to meet the same requirements that are required within the EU, equal working conditions, the use of phytosanitary products and rigorous border controls.”

Likewise, the agrarian organizations have highlighted that at this moment “there is a ruinous situation” for all the productive sectors of the country due to “the high costs of the ‘inputs’ necessary to produce, the lack of labor, higher labor requirements, the lack of reciprocity with imports and a Law on the Food Chain that, despite being an unbearable administrative burden for the sector, does not solve the problems as it does not have sufficient resources to guarantee prices that cover production costs”.

To this end, they denounced that, in Brussels, “a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was approved that was out of focus and out of reality, which demands more with fewer resources, which has brutally increased bureaucracy, and which demands new obligations without scientific rigor that lead to higher costs and lower productions”.

Así, the Spanish farmers and cattlemen will complain to the Ministers of Agriculture of the EU that “they consider food as a subject of maximum priority, changing the direction of the agrarian policy so that it is this guarantee of European food sovereignty”.

For this, they see “fundamental to protect the productive fabric, that is, European farmers and ranchers, so that they can fulfill their main function: food security both in quantity and quality for all Spanish and European citizens “.