The association of the State Treasury Inspection has issued an unusual statement that harshly attacks the agreement reached by the PSOE and Junts for attacking, in its opinion, the equality of Spaniards and opening the door to a split of the Agency Tax.

The association of State Treasury Inspectors (IHE) expresses “its frontal and absolute rejection of the agreements that derive from the negotiation for a future investiture of the current president of the Government of Spain.” In them he assures that “the rupture of the current constitutional regime in several matters is clearly and evidently seen, among which is financial matters.”

They particularly reject that the agreement includes the demand of Carles Puigdemont’s party for “transfer of 100% of the taxes paid in Catalonia” and the demand that the PSOE adopt measures for the financial autonomy of that community and the change in the financing model. “The demand for the transfer of performance could imply the transfer of all powers, including those currently exercised by the AEAT in Catalonia, so our group would be seriously and directly affected” as well as others, he emphasizes, from the General Administration of the State.

“This situation implies without a doubt the rupture of the principle of equality between all Spaniards included in article 14 of the Constitution, allowing the existence, through de facto, of first and second-class Autonomous Communities, as well as the prohibition of the arbitrariness of public powers, enshrined in article 9 of the Magna Carta”. The number three of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, has declared himself, however, “satisfied” with the agreement reached.

They call it an “abuse of power” that the PSOE opens this door to achieve the investiture “and results in favored treatment, without any legal protection, towards a part of the Spaniards who reside in a territory of the Nation.”

They do not threaten any mobilization or protest measures, but they do make an “urgent call for rationality” and “for the search for stable political consensus that achieves unity, moves away from confrontation and represents, ultimately, the great majority of the Spanish Nation”.