The financial support for the purchase of electric cars are in high demand in July, as strong as never before since its introduction in mid-2016. In the past month 19.993 applications for the so-called innovation were provided for in the premium, such as the Federal economy of the news Agency Reuters reported the Ministry on Monday. The Numbers should still be in the course of a day, officially announced. Overall, this year made up to the end of July in order 69.606 applications –almost 79 per cent more than in the same period of 2019.

The Federal government is encouraging the purchase of electric cars and hybrid models. In the context of the recent economic recovery programme to deal with the Coronavirus crisis, the state share has doubled in the promotion. This is since the 8. July. In addition, the VAT was lowered on a temporary basis, which should help, among other things, the auto industry. Until the end of 2021 buyers of electric cars can receive a grant of up to 9000 euros, in the case of hybrid models, there are a maximum of 6750 euros.