students from Non-EU countries who wish to study at a German University can enter the country, according to the Federal government for a period of time only to a limited extent. Accordingly, the Visa had to be given only to those who can provide proof of attendance at your University, as a answer of the German Federal Ministry of education on a request of the Green parliamentary deputies, Kai Gehring shows, on the the ARD-capital Studio first reported.

Britta Beeger

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Nadine Bös

editor in the business, responsible for the “profession and Chance”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Uwe Ebbinghaus

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

In the Letter, which is the F. A. Z. says: “Since the easing of travel restrictions from the 2. July 2020 can foreign students be able to demonstrate that their studies may not be fully carried out from abroad, for example, due to the presence of obligations, also for the purposes of study entry. Entry to an Online or distance education is still not provided.“ Both in the visa application process, as well as at the border control certificates would be required to determine that the conditions of Presence as a student are met in a particular case, it means more. Also on the website of the Federal Ministry of the interior of this note is to be found.

protests in America

“The control of the Federal government, reminiscent of the plans of the US President, Trump wanted to show German students, unless Attendance at your American host University is,” said Gehring. “It would be a blatant case of double standards, if the Federal government maintains its control.” To connect the entry with a presence of duty, from the erroneous assumption that a study applies only to the visit of seminars and Lectures. “The exchange also serves to culture and society of the host country.”

The American government had taken back in July to protest a planned Visa regime with the foreign students at the exclusive assignment of Online courses in the winter semester to leave the country to be forced should be. You must remain now. New students from abroad, whose courses take place exclusively online, but will not be released in the coming Semester to the country.

Germany in international competition?

Germany, with its rules clearly behind the EU-recommendation. The Council of the European Union had in a Letter dated 30. June advised that the member States, certain groups of people allow the entry again. In the Annex of the document he enumerates the corresponding groups: in addition to seasonal workers in agriculture and workers in health care, students will also be called – without any further restrictions.

A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the interior announced on the F. A. Z.’s request, the Federal government in the national implementation of this recommendation has a Parallel with the entry of high-skilled workers and skilled workers from third countries. This is likely to happen – with the exception of countries with low Infection – only enter if your work will not be postponed or abroad running could be.