Of the seventy German state universities with a Constituted student body the student participation rate in the year 2019 at just under 14 per cent. This results in an evaluation of Miriam Lenz and Maria-Mercedes Hering for the non-profit research center, “Correctiv”. The highest turnout gave it to the University of Lubeck, Germany, with nearly 30 per cent, the lowest at the University of Ulm with a little more than 4 percent.

Twenty German universities only achieved a single-digit turnout. This also includes the FU Berlin, the HU Berlin, Potsdam, and various Technical universities in addition to Bochum, Bielefeld and Hannover.

A comprehensive collection of data on participation in student elections was not yet available. It was commonly known, however, that the interest of the students in their representation is low, although the student bodies decide on the use of compulsory contributions. Part of millions coming together here.

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Not all of the student representatives will meet their responsibilities, writes, “Correctiv”. So there is in Each a misappropriation of funds. Some organized large-scale projects, which are “to financial disaster for the student body”. Other to for years, cheated on your taxes. “The fact that such grievances are not noticeable for years, is due to the fact that higher education leads the student representative advise inside, or control it. Although you should or have to,“ write the authors.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bochum in embezzled funds, according to the over a period of 15 months, extending the research, individual students in the past years, funds. A former financial consultant to the Technical University of Central Hessen fake 2015 a robbery to cover up that he had embezzled $ 75,000 from the funds of the student body. “The fact that Finance does not stand out scandals for a long time, is also due to the opaque functioning of some of the students,” said Lenz, and herring.