millions of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is threatened, according to the United Nations, the starvation. An increase of the conflict and the Corona pandemic in the Central African country exacerbated the food insecurity. Even now, every Fourth of the hundred million inhabitants was affected, informed the world food programme WFP in Rome on Friday. The organization plan to support the 8.6 million people with emergency relief; in the past year, there were 6.9 million.

the WFP estimated $ 172 million for the next six months. The world community had not yet provided enough support for the Rest of the said Claude Jibidar, WFP representative in Congo. Without the appropriate funding of food rations and cash aid would be reduced and thus also the number of aid recipients. Nearly three and a half million children in the Congo are threatened by acute malnutrition.

Five million internally displaced persons

As one of the reasons for the crisis, WFP announced the decades-long conflict in the resource-rich East of the country, with more than five million internally displaced persons. In the first half of the year, over a Million people have lost their home. Further, the UN organization refers to diseases such as Malaria and Cholera, as well as the recent Ebola epidemic, with 2,300 dead.

drought, Floods and pest infestation, but also the corona-related movement restrictions, made this year a below-average harvest in many parts of the country expect. In the process, the Congo has 80 million hectares of the world’s second-largest agricultural area, as well as about half of the water resources of the whole of Africa; the country could produce food on their own needs.