Shortly before the start of School, the Alarmists, and Warner has again become loud. They also have reasons, because the infection numbers are increasing. But it does not have a society to live in a state of perpetual excitement and alarm-ISM. There is a great danger that the Kassandren of the country to stir up more of indifference and fatigue, as beneficiary, to promote a risk-conscious and calm dealing with the Virus. So now you also can not the question of whether a presence-operating in the schools, after the holidays or not. The schools were the First to be closed, and you were the Last to have been re-opened. Now it is a question of the conditions under which they are opened; there is a clear framework, the Ministers of education and culture in cooperation with the Robert-Koch Institute have developed.

Even if teachers ‘ organizations worry about everything Possible and the schools are accused of, they were not prepared for the start of School, have led to the alarm calls from different directions at exactly the opposite: over-regulation, with detailed hygiene concepts of enormous scope. Even for children with symptoms of small-scale action instructions are provided, not to mention of test conditions for digital teaching up to the Abitur. It is not so to worry about lack of plans, but rather Organisation and a distraction from the Actual: from teaching content and new Motivation for all home Learning and shared learning groups-stricken students.

one-hundred percent safety is not possible

The distance the rules in the class are cancelled, in favour of fixed units of learning must be formed. Such a learning unit is about the eleventh and twelfth class, courses can take place in various groupings for the upper stage. The schools are much put in mind that the learning groups are in separate districts of the Pausenhofs and, at least during school time do not mix. That may be true in city schools is also relatively simple; however, in rural areas with many students is likely to be unrealistic. In addition, the learning units may vary depending on the size of the School very differently. It could be a more rapid high school, several hundred students. At the latest at the bus stop or on the Bus, there will be a mix.

The hundred percent security and it will not be all the precautions, in Spite of. Even more important, it is not, in the infection case, overreact. It may not always come to school closures. Since all of the countries offer regular testing for educators and teachers at the expense of the country, would need to infections can also be rapidly detected and contained. Wegtesten the Virus can, however, also needs to be clear to all those Involved. Infections can not be excluded. Therefore, it is important that schools take advantage of the last weeks of summer, to test your Ventilation for classrooms.