The consequences of the Corona crisis, have families, and women in front of a challenge. The care of the children after the closure of nurseries and schools have been, in many cases, especially the mothers. The crisis has thrown a spotlight to the fact that it is the position of men and women is to far.

Hendrik Kafsack

economic correspondent in Brussels.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The so-called wage gap has fallen steadily in recent years. It is located in the EU, but at 14 percent, and in Germany at 19 percent. In addition, a pension gap of more than 30 percent of it over the years. The EU Commission does not want to accept this any longer.

“If we continue like this, we reach the same pay and conditions that we have in 1957, written in the Treaty of Rome, the first in decades,” it says. The Commission intends to make the development of a proposal for salary transparency and new action possibilities and more momentum.

“We want to give employees the necessary tools to demand fair wages, and also to enforce,” said the Vice-President of the European Commission, Vera Jourová, on Thursday in Brussels. “No double standards, no more excuses”, is the Motto of.

claim to compensation

According to the proposal, the FAZ.NET already on Tuesday reported, to companies with more than 250 employees to publish in the future, once-a-year on the Internet, in detail, how much the more men earn than women. If this shows that the gap is only in a salary group with a similar task is greater than 5 percent, you have to analyze the company together with the representatives of the employees, the wage structure and concrete steps to propose. To prevent discrimination and the associated lower payment at the career change resume want to prohibit the Commission, in interviews after the previous remuneration will be asked.

The workers to get an unlimited right to claim damages if they were at a disadvantage. In the process, the company would have to prove, in the case of a procedure, that the poor pay is justified. The burden of proof is reversed, at least in clear-cut cases of discrimination.