The 27 EU member States the entry into force of the Brexit-Handelspakts to 1. January is officially approved. The Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) confirmed to the outside of the Tuesday. Now, only the approval by the British Parliament and the signature of the two sides on Wednesday are missing.

EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier praised the Brexit-trade Pact between the European Union and the UK on Tuesday as a sign of stability. “On Christmas eve, it was a kind of relief, so many companies, so many citizens were concerned, to bring a bit of peace or stability,” said Barnier, the station France info. The Brexit would still be painful – but it is a democratic decision of the British.

in the Future would change many things, so Barnier. This applies for example for the control of Goods from the United Kingdom, the British exit from the Erasmus programme or the necessary Visa for more than 90 days of stay. Barnier stressed that the UK is in the global world now, alone, while the European Union continue to stay together. “I definitely think that it is better to be with our neighbors together, in a Union, a common market, as everyone is for themselves.”

criticism of Starmer

The painstakingly negotiated trade and partnership agreement will govern the economic relations between the island and the continent, starting in January 2021. Because of its support for the Pact, the Chairman of the British opposition party, Labour, Keir Starmer, to criticism from within its own ranks to face. Some Labour MPs have demanded in an open letter to vote on this Wednesday in Parliament against the agreement. Labour must not fall “into the trap of this rotten Deal support,” they wrote, according to British media reported on Tuesday. Starmer stressed that the EU Commission agreed a trade Pact is better than no contract.