It is one of the many fairy tales about the attitude to Europe, British Newspapers reported once in dense fog, the continent was cut off. The origins of the invented, but the proverbial punch line got lost in the fog of history, but a reader pointed letter to the Times in November 1939, this is exactly the kind of anecdote, “which invents an Englishman and an Englishman, to tell, to entertain other Englishman”.

Gina Thomas

feuilleton correspondent, based in London.

F. A. Z.

In the mythology has you anchored, because the Feel of the island nation, not only geographically, but also psychologically away from the European mainland to stand, funny to the point as Charles de Gaulle in 1963 in the famous reasons for his veto to the admission of great Britain into the European economic community, Britain was on the lake aligned with the island nation, by his trade, its markets and its supply to far-flung Nations and “in all his ways, habits and traditions” of their “own kind”. In the days before the Brexit-the agreement, the due to the Corona Mutation in Dover called stuck truck columns, the Slogan “continent cut off” insistently into consciousness. To many they seemed like a symbolic Omen of the not so “splendid isolation”, in the Britain of the Brexiteers-awaited liberation goes.

“The lost Childhood of Europe”

As Lucy Worsley, chief curator of Royal palaces and presenter of popular Fensehgeschichtssendungen, recently so brazenly was to describe the battle of Waterloo as a collaborative European power, accused the historian Dominic sand brook to her, the fashionable anti-patriotism into people-pleasing was at the historically Uneducated so popular. The sympathies of a tabloid tends to have Boris Johnson’s summarization of the European history on “Attempts of various figures or institutions that the lost Childhood of Europe, the Golden age of peace and prosperity under the Romans sought” the unification of the continent to regain. The Attempts have always ended tragically, he said before the Brexit Referendum, and referring to Napoleon and Hitler. The EU is the attempt to achieve this goal by other means.

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At the beginning of his political career backup, Johnson saw the question in even greater detail. When he applied in 2001 for the first Time for a seat in Parliament, he as a moderate eurosceptic, an Argument to give to the rash when you Consider, “whether we can argue credibly for the whereabouts in the EU”: that Britain would lose with his departure influence on the design of the continent. Nothing demonstrated this impact as concise as the English pronouncements, Ursula von der Leyens and Michel Barnier on Christmas eve. The outgoing Nation has left the EU in their language as a legacy, together with the message that the Experiment had been a “colossal historical error,” as the Cambridge historian Robert Tombs argues, citing de Gaulle’s note, that the nature, structure and circumstances of England and of the continental States, differences. The biggest stumbling block is the claim to a supra-national identity, which was beyond the control of the national Parliament was.