The political pressure on the International ice hockey Federation IIHF, the Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenka to withdraw from the world Cup in 2021, increasing, apparently, on both sides of the Atlantic. Members of the European Parliament have asked the IIHF President René Fasel, to relocate in Minsk scheduled games finally. A similar Letter is prepared according to information of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, currently by members of Congress in Washington D. C..

Christoph Becker

sports editor.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In the letter, the members of the European Parliament, initiated by the German Deputy Viola von Cramon, and the Finnish Ville Niinistö (Green), and 46 members of Parliament from the conservative, social democratic, green and liberal groups have been signed, it means: Aleksandr Lukashenka, “a brutal dictator and self-proclaimed hockey lover” is contrary to all moral principles, which the IIHF will be fond of.

“your Association”, it means to Fasel addressed, “has a responsibility to meet its own principles and not to legitimize brutality”. The Charter of the Association demand that the human Dignity of a Person should not be abused, and forbid any Form of harassment, acts of violence would not be tolerated. Lukashenka have locked up thousands of Belarusian citizens and forced into exile, he “and his Regime have harassed both men and women, beaten, tortured and raped,” the MEPs write.

in Addition, the Charter does not call on officials to bring the Sport into disrepute, this was done, the President of the Belarusian ice hockey Federation, Dmitry Baskow, in the violent death of a Minsk citizen involved is to be. “Dictators like Lukashenka exploit the Sport to validate their brutal Regime, and to simulate legitimacy,” – said in the letter.

The IIHF have to make sure that the world Cup 2021 will not also moved to Russia. Russia is the last pillar of legitimacy for Lukashenka. The IIHF had explained last Thursday, in the face of the arbitral award of the International sports court to the Russian state arbitration-Doping is ruled out a transfer to Russia now. The letter refers to the Resolution of the European Parliament of 17. September, in the already of the withdrawal of the world Cup, it was claimed: “Mr. Fasel, we believe you will be able to show the high level of integrity, we know of their athletes. The Puck is with you.“