Against Internet service providers that run on a regular basis of the contractually agreed data transfer rate is to be imposed according to the plans of the Greens tougher penalties than in the past. “The fines must be for the provider to be felt. The only way you are to have an effect”, – stated in a position paper of the group chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt, the “world” is quoted in its Monday edition. The Federal government should be tougher, “action”, demanded the Green-politician, in an interview with the newspaper.

The fines will be according to their plans due when the contractual assigned speed is not maintained to a minimum of 95 percent. Your height should be staggered and the Severity of the deviation from the contractual Commitments are made.

The part of the fines should be according to Goering-Eckardts concept up to 4 percent of annual sales. At Telekom, this would be currently 876 million Euro, in relation to the turnover of 21.9 billion euros in the past year. In the case of Vodafone, it would be, therefore, to 424 million Euro. The revenue from the fines should be invested in the further expansion of the grid, the Green group chief.

“Unbureaucratic” way for damages

Göring-Eckardt argues also that consumers are said to receive a “non-bureaucratic” entitlement to compensation in the case of a regular under-run the assigned data transfer rate. Customers can already compare now on the page the Federal network Agency, the actual data transfer rate of your broadband connection with the contractually agreed Rate.

Also, the Federal network Agency has laid down the newspaper report that reported that users have a right to compensation if a “substantial, continuous or regularly recurring deviation” is present at speed.

“We must not only have a right to quick network tougher fines and a clear set of criteria,” said Göring-Eckardt. They called it a “nerve” that the big providers were regularly the contractually agreed data transfer rates drastically under. The annual report of the Federal network Agency 2018/2019 showed that only 16.4 percent of the users received in this period, the full contractually agreed data transfer rate for which you paid.