The Australian consumer protection authority has initiated court proceedings against the Internet giant Google for misleading the users. The search engines have expanded the data collection without the Knowledge and consent of the consumer to use the data for promotional purposes, it said on Monday in a statement, the Australian competition and consumer Commission (ACCC).

Google informed its users in 2016, sufficient, as the group have begun to combine personal information from one Google account with information about the activities of users on Non-Google websites, is the accusation. Using Google technology, the information collected would be used to increase the commercial performance of the advertising business.

“We believe that many consumers ( … ), Google may have the permission refused to combine such a wide range of your personal data for their own financial advantage and to benefit,” said Rod Sims, Chairman of the ACCC. According to the authority of millions of Australians with a Google account are affected.

On request and not expressed to Google first, to the allegations.