What jobs are safe when computers are becoming a competent? When you unlock more and more areas to the performance of the human brain?

Alexander Armbruster

editor responsible for business Online.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Dramatic predictions of the round, made sometimes in the past years. And the impressive progress – as a Computer defeated the best chess players, people on the Go or Poker defeated, the in the headlines.

in fact, no one knows the exact number of jobs, which is really threatened, and when. Similarly, the skills spectrum, which in the future will be redundant or asked to be clearly delineate some of the study elaborated like to come also. And, of course, has not been connected, what will fail sometimes, and technical progress so far, with many new, well-paid jobs that existed before.

The four waves of AI

Kai-Fu Lee is spared to give precise percentages. What he presented on the digital conference DLD, is a well-structured Overview of what can Artificial intelligence (AI) so far, can’t – and how working for yourself and your children can prepare.

And Kai-Fu Lee knows what he is talking about. He has worked with AI-long scientific and many years of experience as a Manager in leading Internet companies – it was he, who once Google in China. Currently, he is the boss of his own venture capital company with headquarters in Beijing and is also known by his book on the KI-showdown between the United States and China.

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Kai-Fu Lee divided the most recent breakthrough in the AI into four waves. First of all, the Tech companies, with its countless users, from their behavior, you always create better search and recommendation Algorithms. Then, what he calls “Business AI”: the insurer, for example, the use of AI, risk and trust assessment. Thirdly, computer programs that are able to perceive their environment and to understand in part. And finally, the real “Autonomous AI”, i.e. artificial units, which can independently perform certain activities.

“what is Clear is that All of these waves will develop in the coming years,” he predicts. And they will change the world of work dramatically. Not the year 2022, it has mainly before your eyes. But the year 2032, maybe, is to fall for people who are 30 or 40 years old, in the midst of your professional life.

to the new

in which he is also sure to know the properties of activities that pose a risk to these workers, in competition with advanced computers. Repetitive work – when people handle so constantly the same hand, or the same perform – prone. Likewise, it is a work based on routines. The have, however, said a lot already and heard.