To deal with the start of the new week, we debate an Amendment to the impfreihe a result, a possible opening-up strategy after the British model, and the dramatic crash of a Bundesliga club.

the order of The Subjects

Sebastian Reuter

editor from the service.

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Wednesday Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister-presidents of the countries Once again, about the future course of action in the Corona-crisis. Shortly before that, have spoken now <strong the Minister-President Kretschmann and Söder > to loosen the Impfreihe order for the vaccine from Astra-Zeneca. In view of the fact that large quantities of the drug would not inoculated, because parts of the Guardian to reject him, had to be eased to the “strict Regiment”. Also in Hesse, head of the government, Bouffier said the F. A. Z., he had “a lot of sympathy for these ideas. But you have to specifically clarify how to do that.“ A proposal SPD-health policy-makers Lauterbach : The Astra-Zeneca-provides vaccine should be provided for all under the age of 65 in the first three priority groups are immediately available, and the distance between the First and second vaccination will be stretched as far as possible. Whether this could be a solution, it must be resolved quickly, because: now entering Phase of the pandemic is each Vaccinated better than none .

The British model?

Monday allowed to open in the whole of Germany, the hairdressers again . Full calendar, you should be in the first days guaranteed in any case. However, while in some States, the garden center or cosmetic studios be allowed to receive customers, you need to bear in Hamburg, in the future, the joggers on some routes a mouth-nose-protection, and there are in the city centre of düsseldorf “in-dwelling zones” . With regard to proposed relaxations and tightened restrictions on, Germany has become a vast patchwork. The Deputy FDP party Chairman Wolfgang Kubicki holds the return to normalcy, at least for a mandatory – not only for vaccinated individuals, but also for people with a negative test result is: “anyone Who calls for solidarity, should the non-vaccinated demand,” he says in the F. A. Z.-Interview.

Newsletter for Germany – the F. A. Z. Overview

you Start the day with the most important issues. Arranged and commented by our authors.

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a view to the UK could be Worth it in this case. There is not only one in three adults has already received his first vaccination. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has even submitted a detailed opening plan until the summer – and his compatriots after a devastating Corona-Winter is a perspective to which the Germans continue to eagerly wait. So he made an absurd increase in holiday bookings. If the British Plan can be a model for the Federal Republic of Germany? In the “Podcast for Germany” has virologist Christian Drosten shows what he considers loosening, despite the impending start of the third wave, under certain circumstances, to be realistic and reasonable.

the crash of The FC Schalke 04

Off-the-pandemic among football supporters currently, the Bundesliga club Schalke 04 for a collective shake of the head. After only one win in the last 38 League games is the as good as insolvent club from Gelsenkirchen not only with just nine points behind on the final table space. On several occasions, the club has changed in this season, his coach, player is suspended and aging Stars as a supposed Savior obliged. After the sixteenth Broke in 23. Game of the season – a 1:5 at VfB Stuttgart – have been made to the cut table last Sunday now, with the sports Board of Directors, coaches, two assistants and team managers, five officers at a blow “free”. However, this is thrown out Orgy only the latest twist in a story of self-destruction “on” Schalke, who has already begun a long time ago under the the rule of the meat manufacturers Clemens Tönnies , and with the barely avoiding relegation a climax is reached.