The American Rover “Perseverance” has sent a high-resolution panoramic image of Mars. The robots have taken the picture on Sunday, he turned to a Mast on its surface-mounted camera 360 degree, shared with the American space Agency Nasa on Wednesday (local time). From 142 resulting photos a panoramic is image, which was resolved so high that in the vicinity of the Rover Details of only three to five millimeters, and in a further distance, the Details of two to three meters are clearly visible.

The picture shows, among other things, boulders, hills, and the horizon around the “Jezero Crater”, a dried-up lake with a diameter of about 45 kilometers, the Rover, in the next two years to investigate. Earlier, it was “Perseverance” (in German: stamina), a first panoramic image, as well as spectacular video images of its landing, and the first sound recordings from the surface of the Red planet published.

The 1000-kilogram Rover the size of a small car was in the last week – after 203 flight days and 472 million kilometres travelled – landed on Mars. Development and construction of the approximately $ 2.5 billion (approximately EUR 2.2 billion) expensive Rovers had taken eight years. He should look for on Mars for traces of previous microbial life as well as the climate and the Geology of the planet to explore.

“Perseverance” is the fifth Rover, which Nasa to Mars launched in 2012 “Curiosity arrived” there. Earlier Mars-Rover had already sent panoramic images of the planet to the earth.