Starting today, you should invest as an investor in the ears: August and September are by far the worst months for the Dax. Both together have brought in the annual average of the past 45 years a loss of around 2.5 percent. The really Exciting thing: No other of the remaining ten months, these two fun triple Bern even close to the water. From October to July to, and including, the Dax recorded since the mid-seventies in the average month-to-month profits. Watertight reasons for this are not found so far. Maybe it is just the fact that we have to do in the Northern hemisphere in August and September is usually Better than to let us wriggling courses in the summer mood spoil.

The current, season-independent technique of Dax: He was recently the upward trend that had accompanied him since the Corona-Deep in 8255 points, tears for pretty much the worst time, a gap (“Gap”) to the bottom, a brockte key indicators “negative divergences”, and the recent trip to the new Cycle was countered at 13.313 points much too quickly. In addition, the mood of investors is currently under 13.000 Dax-points better than she was over it and the entire Rest of the current technology, it is not triggers just after a weak Thursday also necessarily enthusiasm. In other words: It is done. The next nine weeks, your statistics are expected to honor.

Gold is rising because of a crisis, and the Euro to

it is Quite different to the gold price. After all of the resistors and extreme technical adversity resisting rally, he has achieved a new historical all-time highs of over 1900 dollars and the mark of 2000 dollars so far, only narrowly missed. Even if it can go in the precious metals get down to the wild thing and you should enjoy the one or the other between the temporal development rather with caution: New all-time highs, the pretty best confirmation of an upward trend are, in principle, at all. Technical arguments that would speak in favour of an abrupt, sustained at the end of the rally, are also de facto non-existent.

The price of gold is likely to continue to grow significantly. Whether 300, 500 or even more dollars, with a view to the next six to 12 months will be added, it is difficult to estimate. But even if the further increase in moderate and the increase in momentum should be low, you can imagine well, as it is ordered in the eyes of investors around the world. If Gold should really be the crisis indicator per se, we can start probably time for us to get warm clothes on. Far rather would, therefore, if you are likely to find the Motivation of those that buy Gold now, the fact that it costs unlike premium bonds, no interest. However, have no Faith in me. Gold was seen at almost all times – at least – as a crisis prevention.

Finally, a view on the foreign exchange market and, hence, perhaps the most important development of the past few weeks, The Euro has taught the dollars Mores. It is more than just impressive how dynamic it will increase around 10 cents, and especially the powerful resistance zone between about 1.15 and 1.16 to the Dollar was able to overcome. I am fascinated by how our community currency, and have many of times given the last passage, shows currently, the currency rock of the past centuries, the Hack. Of course, Considerations can be differences in Interest and their future development are significantly behind the buying mood for the Euro. The question of Trust plays a role: No Investor is going to tie a plant to the leg, which for him is a done deal. This is also why anything other than further gains in the Euro would be for me compared to the Dollar in the next twelve to eighteen months, very surprising.