Ernesto Sevilla and Joaquín Reyes visited El Hormiguero on Wednesday, February 15. The comedians, who are promoting the Poor Devil series, recalled the Goya gala that they presented in 2019, remembered as the worst edition in history.

“I did something that I always do after the Goyas, which is to continue the party a little bit. That day it was also late for me, we were at my house, they went to do an interview with me,” recalled Sevilla, who assured that, at that moment, is when he read the criticism of the gala.

“There we realized the move that had fallen on us,” he admitted. “When we went to a party, we left thinking that we had blown it. Nobody told us anything, we didn’t smell the toast and we went to celebrate, until Ernesto said ‘let’s see what they say on the networks,'” Reyes acknowledged. .

Ernesto Sevilla and Joaquín Reyes are the creators of Poor Devil, an animated series that will hit HBO Max on February 17. The fiction revolves around Stan, an apparently normal boy who turns out to be the Antichrist. “He is a character about whom there are many expectations, he is destined to unleash the apocalypse, and he does not want to because he is better than bread. What he wants is to be an actor, to fall in love… They send him to New York to go preparing the end of the world and he doesn’t want to end humanity, he wants to live his life”, explained Reyes, who also voices the protagonist.

For its part, Sevilla doubles the cat Mefisto. “You have to pronounce things a lot. That’s when you realize how badly you speak in normal life. I speak fast, I don’t pronounce,” she confessed.

In addition, Reyes explained the difficulty of making an animated series. “The process is very long because first you have to create the voices so that the animators start creating on the voices, so that they know how the character has to act. We have been with the series for a year or so. It is a very long process and for that is so expensive, because it takes a long time,” he said.

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