With the 20.27% support achieved by its candidate, Beatriz Sánchez, and a parliamentary force that will reach the 20 deputies and a senator, the broad left Front coalition settled in a privileged position to define the second round between the right wing Sebastián Piñera and the official Alejandro Guillier of December 17th.
But two days after the election, the main leaders of the new political force have not been given to the candidate of the left.
Although Sanchez on Sunday night winked at Guillier by pointing out that “Piñera is a setback for the country,” said the journalist – the dozen of parties and movements that make up the block were given deadline until November 30 to make a decision on his position d E face to a second lap. Its main figures, born mainly from the student revolution of 2011, repeat that an internal discussion will be held – democratic and open – to make a decision.
But at this point it seems probable, by the statements of its leaders, that the broad front will not be part of a possible government of Guillier and, whatever the outcome of the second, in the next period would be in the position.
It is necessary to elucidate, however, the level of commitment they will take to avoid a triumph of Piñera. They could leave their adherents free to act, to settle for declaring that the right does not do well to Chile or to reach an instrumental agreement with the officialism against the former president.
The Broad front, on the contrary, has emerged in the last few hours to remark its ideological differences with the government of Michelle Bachelet and the broken New majority coalition. With its 20.27% support in the presidential, practically tied with 22.70% of Guillier, aspire to dialogue of equal to equal and overcome the historical supremacy that had the left in Chile over the left.
The official candidate, meanwhile, tries in parallel to order the official forces around his figure. A weakened Christian democracy, center, gave him his support this Monday. The descent of his parliamentary strength and 5.8% of his candidate, Carolina Goic, left the Christian on the verge of a break.
The applicant for the coin, in fact, renounced the presidency of the party, in a new sign of the bleeding of the Chilean left. While Guillier reformulates his command with the incorporation of some elected parliamentarians in his sector, the coin tries to give it a push.
This Tuesday, President Michelle Bachelet received it at the government palace for about two hours. Spokespersons of the executive ruled out an electoral intervention and clarified that it was a private activity between the president and a senator.