Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin wall, Walter Schmitz and Jörg issued Bernig with funding from the Foundation for the reappraisal of the SED dictatorship, a 750-page-long essay band about “writers from the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany”. “German-German literature in exile”. The German scholar Walter Schmitz, of the Moselle river native, had worked prior to his Munich doctoral thesis in Tübingen for Hans Mayer, the former Leipzig Professor who returned in 1963 from a visit to the Federal Republic in the GDR. In 1992, Schmitz was appointed Professor at the Technical University of Dresden.

Patrick Bahners

feuilleton correspondent in Cologne and is responsible for “Humanities”.

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Jörg Bernig the birthplace of Joachim Ringelnatz was born in 1964 in Wurzen,. He studied in Leipzig and was awarded his PhD in 1996 at the Free University of Berlin with a thesis on the battle of Stalingrad in the German-speaking novels. It 1997 by Peter Lang Verlag under the title “”printed Hemmed. Since 1998, veröffentlichtBernig poetry and novels. His first two novels were published in the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, later books in the Central German publishing house in Halle, and has given back the rights to these titles in the meantime, to the author. Although his recent books hardly found national resonance, he was elected in 2013 to the Bavarian Academy of Fine arts. At the chair of Schmitz was Bernig employed as a project employee.