The CUP has decided this Sunday overwhelmingly at a meeting held in Granollers (Barcelona) to attend the autonomous elections of December 21st through a candidacy that will lead. With a census of 1,125 members, 91.6% (1007) opted to participate while 7.8% (86 militants) voted against. The anticapitalists also bet, with 64% of votes, to use the same formula that they applied in the elections of September 27, 2015, that is, to lead under their own acronyms a candidacy as wide as possible and “clearly ruptured,” “Independence and of the left.” “They are illegitimate and imposed elections but despite that it is worth to be,” said the deputy Anna Gabriel.
The Assembly has agreed, on this occasion, to make a decision quickly and far from the marathon conclave held two years ago when they had to decide whether to support Artur Mas. Anticapitalists had to choose between not attending and to do so and of this option were three scenarios: a list without politicians to convene in three months constituent elections; Join a front or boost your own. Any of these three options had to exceed 50% of the vote to be validated. There’s no need for a second lap. With 64%, it won repeat the candidacy to go solitary but open to the sectors that want to add to it.
The decision of the CUP represents a new setback, the second in 24 hours, which receives the unit list promoted by Carles Puigdemont and the same PDeCAT. You will already approve your candidacies on Saturday and anticapitalists do so on Wednesday through a telematic voting. True to his philosophy, none of the members, at least in principle, will repeat his mandate. Gabriel has defended himself by pleading: “It is worth it not only for us.” “And more than ever because we owe it to the people who defended the schools and those who participated in the two general strikes.”
In the final speech of the assembly, less crowded than anticipated, Gabriel and the spokesman of the Secretariat, Núria Gibert, pointed out that the objectives of the Organization will be in the next mandate to materialize the Republic; To support the constituent process, to stop article 155 and to achieve the freedom of prisoners, exiles and the rest of “reprisals”. The Representative has noted the need to remain “key” to those who were unclear as “the Power was assaulted” – in reference to the ERC and the PDeCAT-or to the Commons of Ada Colau who afeó equate the declaration of independence with the 155. “The best state structure must be the popular counterpower,” he has settled.