The vaccine manufacturer Biontech can deliver according to their own statements in the second quarter, possibly up to 75 million additional doses of its Vaccine to the European Union. The Mainz-based company announced on Monday morning – a few hours before the Impfgipfel of the Federation and the länder.

“We continue to work on the increase in the deliveries from the week of 15. In February, the contract to ensure agreed delivery of the full amount of doses of the Vaccine in the first quarter,“ is quoted Biontech’s chief financial officer, Sierk Poetting in the message. “We also could deliver in the second quarter of up to 75 million doses to the European Union.” In the past week, the British-Swedish manufacturer Astra had notified the company of Zeneca to sharp accusations from Brussels, to its delivery to the EU is less trim than he had intended initially.

Because the criticism of the sluggish Impfstart, the delivery difficulties of individual manufacturers and the problems in the appointment does not break, wants Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to advise on this Monday with the Prime Minister, Federal Ministers and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry on the situation. Many politicians and Association representatives have called for more clarity about time schedules, priorities for groups of the population and the available vaccines. Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), pleaded in a letter to Merkel for a national vaccination plan.

On the weekend, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) for emergency measures, more vaccines to produce. Also, some economists expressed accordingly. Alternatively, they recommended that premiums be for the manufacturer, the your increase delivery volumes in the EU countries.