Among handball fans run straight bets, if the Swedes play – will he do it again? Jim Gottfridsson speak again in the break before coach Glenn Solberg? Is pretending to be the undisputed leader of this fabulous team to the beat again, and the new Coach from Norway only nod in agreement? So it was again on Friday night, as the Swedes dominated for their own amazement of France, 60 minutes, and the 32:26 in the final (17.30 in the F. A. Z.-Liveticker for the Handball world championship and Eurosport) on Sunday evening against Denmark, moved in.

Handball world Championships in 2021 live Ticker for this

The best goalkeeper in this world Cup in Egypt, Andreas Palicka (Rhein-Neckar Löwen), the best wing clamp of the tournament, Hampus Wanne (SG Flensburg-Handewitt), and Daniel Pettersson (SC Magdeburg), the heads Whole and held together by Gottfridsson: Looks like the next world champion? With 28 years of this Gottfridsson stands in the Zenith of his abilities. He remained a relatively unknown player, even though he has won with Flensburg, Germany, since 2013, all of the relevant club title. But he doesn’t care about celebrities. In addition, the Südschwede from Ystad plays free only for three, four years, largely injury. His club was at that time a full-time athletic trainer, designed for any professional in a tailored Fitness and building program.

it’s All about Gottfridsson

With Disposals of some of the leading player Gottfridsson for the season 2019/20 to the captain and head of the SG was. In Sweden, he was for some time but only with the day to day responsibility of the Association is also the ultimate performance boost came in the blue-and-yellow Jersey. Of Solberg’s Sweden now benefit. After the weak home EM a year ago (the seventh) took over the former Flensburg playmaker the Scandinavians. In Egypt, Solberg will have to do without four regulars – this is also why Reaching the final is as surprising.

in order To Gottfridsson’s all about it. With the next turn in the head he leaves nothing to chance. And an Ambassador of his sport, the silent Swede: “We hope that after all the Shit that happened last year in the world, many young people can be won over to our fantastic Sport.”