Currently, it seems as if fuel cell cars have no future. The big car manufacturers swear almost all on batteries as an energy donor for their E-motors. In contrast, the fuel cells for trucks, more and more tailwind. You could be an important Argument, in order to reduce the heavy trucks, the emissions of pollutants to zero.

for example, has identified China and the promotion of fuel cells for the first Time officially in their national development plans. Thus, the pressure on the boiler comes. Toyota has recognized the signs of the time, and is involved with five other companies (including China FAW Corporation, Dongfeng Motor Corporation), a new Joint Venture called “United Fuel Cell System R&D”.

Lagging truck technology

However, there is pent-up demand for the truck-fuel-cell technology. So experts assume that the PW-fuel cell technology is lagging several years behind. Toyota developed together with the Japanese commercial vehicle manufacturer Hino Motors, a fuel-cell truck aims to create a range of 600 kilometers. The eleven-metre long commercial vehicle based on the Hino Profia, and a total weight of 25 tons.

Extensive lightweight construction to increase the charging facilities and the charging volume. The powertrain with two fuel-cell Stacks comes from the Toyota-PW Mirai and is scaled for use in the truck high. The trucks benefit from the research tab of the PW.

Daimler and Volvo to do what

Daimler, along with Volvo Trucks (ironically, a brand, to the major shareholder Geely is involved), to work in a Joint Venture to competitive fuel-cell Trucks. With the goal in the second half of the decade, heavy fuel-cell vehicles for the demanding long-distance transport in the series to offer. “The fuel cell is an ultimate CO2-neutral solution for trucks in heavy-haul traffic,” says Martin Daum, CEO of Daimler Truck AG.

Also a supplier to jump on the

This wisdom is not just arrived in the big truck-farmers. Supplier Bosch developed jointly with the US company Nikola Truck a 40-Tönner, to roles in three years on the streets. An important objective of a competitive range. What are the dimensions of the Yanks think, you have already shown a few years ago with the fuel cell prototypes of Nikola One that had a range of 1600 kilometres.

As with most prototypes is not likely to create the next reality quite as much reach. Bosch provides the electric axle used, the powertrain control as well as important components for the fuel cell.

Switzerland has the nose in front

Interestingly, Switzerland also developed a testing ground for fuel-cell vehicles. The Korean car maker Hyundai has already a foot in the door and wants to 2025, not less than about 1600 fuel cell Trucks model H2 Xcient on our roads.

The Trick, with the Koreans, Swiss and us the costly hydrogen-Transporter, whose range is about 400 kilometers, tasty to make, is a sophisticated payment model: As Coop buys the Trucks, but rent it only to a kilometer price, the equivalent of a diesel truck.