The creation of the International Center of Living Arts last March in the complex scenic Naves slaughterhouse of Madrid has popularized the expression “living arts” as a label to encompass proposals difficult to classify scenic. But what exactly does this category encompass? What features do the shows have in common that can fit in that classification? This Saturday Babelia tries to answer these questions in a large report signed by Raquel Lifeles. “We speak of a stage category whose origin can be traced back to the artistic avant-gardes of a century ago.” They share with those traits such as gender unconcern, the mixing of disciplines (actors, writers, stage directors, choreographers, dancers, plastic artists) and a manifest intention of spurring the public. He is not offered (solo) entertainment, he is invited to rethink his own role and to look in another way, explains the article.
As a complement to the art critic Bea Espejo writes another text focused on the reception that traditionally have had the living arts in the museums of contemporary art, especially the choreographic proposals.
In following pages the reader of Babelia will find a text on the American writer Janet Lewis about the recovery of its novel The Judgement of Sören Qvist. They follow the usual reviews of the books of the Week and a new review of the comic book by the Hand of Álvaro Pons. In addition, Carlos Martínez Shaw Review Some of Martin Luther’s biographies that have just been published on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the movement that impelled within Christianity to break with the Church of Rome.
The art section opens with an interview by David Bestué to the architect Andrés Jaque. The section of music is also occupied by an interview of Iker Seisdedos to the flamenco guitarist and singer Diego Carrasco.
The theatrical critic Marcos Ordóñez writes about the work Las ideas, by the Argentinean Federico León. And Beatriz Sarlo occupies the Free tribune of the pages of opinion, along with the usual signatures of Antonio Muñoz Molina and Manuel Rodríguez Rivero.