When looking for new ways to amaze stakeholders, entice new clients or reward employees, try with several event formats. From entertaining incentive outings to glorious galas, you can associate the objective of the company with numerous types of corporate occasions. These days, organizing corporate events is common among macro and even micro businesses. In fact, according to Statista, corporate organizers will spend 24% more in product launches alone this 2018 compared to last year.

If you’re in charge of arranging an upcoming event for your company, it’s better to know the most common types of corporate events to expand your knowledge about your task.


A seminar is usually focused on lecturing. Its purpose is basically to educate you more in relation to a certain issue or career specialization success. As such, it is represented by different individuals or groups that frequently have periodic conferences. Every assembly deals with a specific matter or concern. Attendees of the seminar are required to enthusiastically participate. Take-home materials are supplied for the attendees to review after the seminar so that when they gather the next time, they will be prepared for the next subject.

Trade shows

Trade shows play a vital role in the private sector. This is because it is an excellent way to gain new customers and investors for the companies. Furthermore, it delivers the perfect platform to endorse the business brand. The presence of a company in a trade show solely implicates booth hosting. This is where they get to display all their products and services together with the most recent modernizations. Detailed demonstrations along with freebies are all part of a trade show.

Team Building

The main goal of team building is to promote harmony among company employees. Typically, the employees are formed into various teams that will keep up with each other in different activities. Usually, team buildings are held outdoors to support intense activities, but some are done indoors to facilitate contemplation exercises.

Fundraisers and Charity Events

Many companies hold galas for fundraising or charity events because these can benefit their business big time or promote other corporations. Fundraiser gatherings might be about silent auctioning, entertainment, extravagant dinner, or just a friendly event. As for charity events, the money accumulated by these activities goes directly to the chosen charity. There are numerous methods of getting donations, and nearly all companies are well-informed of the most effectual ones. The culminating of this kind of event is marked through handling the money which was raised by several activities organized for the selected charities.

When organizing a corporate event, make sure that everything is set, especially the venue. If you need to host corporate events in Montreal, Centre Mont-Royal can welcome up to 800 people. It offers in-house catering, audio-visual systems, and other unique and flexible deals. 

Final Thoughts

Knowing these common types of corporate events will make your work easier when organizing a function for your company. You simply have to know the needs of your company to identify what’s the appropriate event to hold. In addition, the main thing to remember in planning an event is to keep in mind your target market and what you want to achieve.