The special prosecutor of the Russian plot, Robert Mueller, has accused the former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, of having lied to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. Flynn, according to the American media, will accept the charges in a clear indication that he has begun to cooperate. It is the greatest blow to date in an investigation that has the White House against the ropes and that to date already had three imputed: an advisor who gave false testimony on his connections with Russia, and the former campaign manager and a partner for fraud and crimes Tax.
The Gordian knot of the conflict was a conversation held at the end of December, while Obama announced the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats from Kremlin interference during the election campaign. The call was intended to appease Vladimir Putin’s response to sanctions. Flynn, at that time without an official charge, although in the shadow government, implied the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, that if Russia were moderated, it would be easier for them to rebalance relations when they came to power on 20 January. After this conversation, the Russian president decided not to retaliate against the United States.
After being interrogated by the FBI when he was still a national security adviser, he denied having discussed the Kremlin’s sanctions with the Russian ambassador. This version offered to the federal agents goes into flagrant contradiction with the recordings of this talk obtained by the services of American counterespionage.
Flynn is the weakest link in the case. In the previous administration, Flynn was considered one of the great values of the army. Brilliant, relentless and disruptive, he won battles, was chief intelligence officer of elite units such as the SEAL and Delta Force, and in 2012 he went on to lead the military intelligence agency.
Destined to reach the top of the military career, his ascent was twisted by his own foot. In the agency his tyrannical character and his Islamophobia incapacitated him for dialogue with his superiors and broke his leadership to the point that in 2014 was ousted.
It was then that the lieutenant general left the military employment and opened a consultancy, Flynn Intel Group. A business of influence that soon entered the orbit of Russia and Turkey. As an advisor, he received payments from the Kaspersky cybersecurity company and the Volga-DNEPR airline. He also worked for the Russian state media group RT, considered by the CIA as one of those considered by the CIA as one of the links of the campaign of intoxication against Hillary Clinton. His ascent in this universe was so dazzling that in 2015 he came to attend a gala in Moscow where he sat at the same table as President Vladimir Putin.