school starts this week in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and in Schleswig-Holstein, Berlin and Brandenburg, wish students, parents and education managers is nothing more than a long infection-free period of classroom teaching under pandemic conditions. North Rhine-Westphalia has imposed for students and teachers, a mask is mandatory in the classroom; it shall apply as of the fifth class. First of all, you should be 31 only to. August, but an extension is probably now, although the Marburger Bund holds the mask of duty, in contrast to virologists, is useless.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

In all the other countries, where this Monday the school starts, can be removed the mask is in place. Schleswig-Holstein does not recommend the mask to wear in the school building, but not for the instruction, a mask of duty there is. Brandenburg will likely decide this Tuesday, a mask is mandatory in school buildings. The Berlin school Board has provided the schools with a “start-up Reserve” of almost 300,000 in the mouth, nose and coverings, to secure the obligation of the mouth, nose and coverage in the school buildings.

In a communication to the Senate, it says: “This is compulsory in Berlin, in school buildings, outside of the classroom as well as outside of the extracurricular and complementary education and care (after-school care area)”. No country concludes that it is imposed in the event of rising infection, the Mask also pay for the education requirement. For students and teachers this is a burden, but a teaching with a mask is likely to be the most better than no lessons. Visors are less stressful, but also less.

Between hysteria and carelessness

In all countries, there are instructions for the parents. Schleswig-Holstein has even sought a behavioral psychologist in order to formulate the letter to the beginning of the school year. On two pages, everything is Important, especially for the case that the child is sick or have only mild flu symptoms. “It is only children should come to school with no symptoms of the disease, or can present a medical certificate that their symptoms have a different cause (e.g., Allergy).” The society for Virology, has advised pupils with mild symptoms and mild respiratory infections laboratory diagnosis to be clarified, “because you as an indicator of transfer of herds (clusters) has a vital role in the early detection of school outbreaks play”.

Also in the other countries, you break the head how to deal with students is the in a Huff in school, without lapsing into hysteria, or false carelessness. It may be useful in such cases, at the level of plans, such as those in Bavaria, Saxony, and since Friday is also in Schleswig-Holstein, and of pediatricians and pediatric infectious disease specialists is recommended. They depend on the number of Infected per 100,000 inhabitants, and give schools clear instructions with ever stricter measures of prevention.

The GEW has been calling for tighter Prevention

The education and science trade Union (GEW) called in North Rhine-Westphalia CO2 traffic lights for class room and against a mask of duty in the classroom pronounced. The traffic lights indicate when strongly ventilated, the concentration of virus-containing airborne particles, called aerosols, measure. Also, the President of the teachers Association, provides for weeks hygiene demands, wants stricter prevention in schools. In Schleswig-Holstein, the WT complained of a “hard-hearted handling” with teachers who belong to a risk group, and supported twenty complaints from teachers, the medical certificate, the classroom teaching, freed, was not recognized.