in Saxony this year in a nationwide comparison with other countries of the Initiative New Social market economy (INSM) re Primus in the formation. In the “education and training monitor 2020” land Bavaria, Thuringia, Hamburg, Baden-Württemberg and the Saarland behind the state of the other places and the countries from the point of view of the Initiative’s “most efficient systems of education”. At the end of the ranking list of Saxony, stands-Anhalt, where the school drop-out rates were “alarmingly high” and the backup of the teachers supply particularly difficult. In the previous year, Berlin was at the very back.

The winner of Saxony is praised, among other things, that many children would care for tags, and in the day-care centres, many of the Employees worked with a University degree. In addition, the Saxon student does not Shine according to the study, in mathematics and the natural Sciences, only a few reach the minimum standards in math and reading.

The comparative study is evaluated according to the INSM, “the extent to which a state educational poverty is reduced, to securing a skilled workforce contributes to and promotes growth”. In addition to the performance of students is compared, among other things, how much money a country per pupil spending, as the pay is moderate relationship between teachers and students or how high the proportion of younger teachers. The Education and Trainee drop-out rates are examined. The INSM is financed according to its own information of the employer associations in the metal and electrical industry.